WWBB is a platform aimed at inspiring personal expression in a positive way.
WWBB was created in response to the genuine need for creative, inspirational individuals to share their talents, thoughts and dreams through the visual medium of videos.
However the creators of WWBB understand that philosophy alone is not enough since many creative people often do not possess the confidence or knowledge that they are creative in the first place.
In fact worldwide, over 80 percent of people now in successful positions never dreamed they could accomplish what they have without someone or something encouraging them to dream which in turn gave them the confidence to soar. That is the sole purpose of WWBB, we are not here to judge you, but rather to support you. That is precisely why WWBB does not have a panel of industry experts judging each video, in fact there are no judges from WWBB whatsoever. Our role is to offer support through a state of the art platform to get your video out into the real world where it matters most. Best of all you will see the results almost instantly and you have up to $50,000.00 to be won! Why not get paid for what you do?
It doesn’t end there however, WWBB goes far above and beyond just getting your video out into the world. For those who qualify, we offer assistance connecting you to the right people in your area of interest. We offer unparalleled access to some of the world’s most famous film and television studios, production companies, recording producers, music and entertainment companies, publishers, record labels, theater companies, gaming companies, agents, managers, dance companies, modelling agencies … the list goes on.